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Traffic Division

Important Notice: 70th District Court Arraignments Update

现可在第70区域法院接受预约提审! Please utilize the following times:

  • Tuesdays-Fridays (excluding holidays):
    • Morning: 8:30 AM - 11:00 AM
    • Afternoon: 1:30 PM - 4:00 PM

注意: 如果周一适逢节假日,周二将无法进行临时提审.

Counter 罚款

Many traffic fines for civil infractions are set by a fine schedule which is used when sending in a payment by mail. If you intend to admit responsibility for a civil infraction, you may refer to the fine schedule for the amount of the fine. 这笔金额应连同在您的机票背面所解释的已签署的责任承认书一起寄给法院. The Court also accepts MasterCard, VISA and Discover credit cards. Learn more about payment options.

Civil Infractions

许多交通违法行为还不够严重,不足以被归类为犯罪, but serious enough to deserve sanctions other than jail, have been classified by the legislature as civil infractions. 其中包括轻微的交通违规行为,如超速和违规停车.

收到民事违规罚单的人可以在治安官面前举行非正式听证会,除非特别要求举行正式听证会. A person may not be represented by an attorney at an informal hearing. 如对非正式聆讯的裁定不服,可向区域法院法官提出上诉. 罚款金额必须在上诉时作为保释金公布.

A person may request a formal hearing before a District Court Judge. 正式听证会的规则更接近于审判的规则. A formal hearing is bound by the basic substantive law, the statutory provisions or rules of practice, 过程, 恳求, and the rules of evidence. 当事人可以对正式的听证决定向巡回法院提出上诉.


Failure to Comply With an Order or Judgment

如果某人不遵守因民事违法行为而发出的罚款和诉讼费的命令或判决, within the time prescribed by the court, the driver's license shall be suspended until full compliance occurs. In other words, 如果不遵守规定,就会导致违约,并受到制裁——吊销许可证只是其中之一.

When a judgment remains unsatisfied for 28 days or more, 法院给被告最后一次机会来解决这个问题. The court does so by sending the defendant a 14 day notice to comply. If the defendant still fails to comply within the additional 14 days, the court notifies the Secretary of State, who shall suspend the defendant's license. 在被告满足判决并支付执照恢复费之前,暂停一直有效.

如果法院信纳该人有充分理由不出庭,并且该人对指控有正当的辩护,则可应该人的请求撤销缺席判决. To set aside a default judgment the person must complete and file the Motion to Set Aside Default Judgment - Civil Infractions and pay a fee of $5.00.


如果一个人因未出庭(FAC)或未支付判决(FCJ)而被吊销驾驶执照, 在恢复其驾驶特权之前,该人必须出庭和/或支付判决. 这个人还需要购买一张清关卡,以便州务卿恢复他们的执照. The clearance card fee is $45.00.

If the driver's license was suspended by the Secretary of State, 此人必须与州务卿联系以恢复其执照. 除非法院下令暂停,否则法院没有管辖权给予该人有限制的执照. 看到的, Secretary of State.

Driver Responsibility Law

Under Michigan law, 在被定罪或被发现对某些交通违法行为负有责任后,司机可能会面临单独的费用. 这笔费用是在法院施加的任何其他罚款或罚款之外的. 法院向密歇根州政府提供有关交通违规的信息. The Michigan Department of State, 反过来, 将违规记录张贴在驾驶记录上,并将收费信息转发给密歇根州财政部收取. 然后,密歇根州财政部将收费通知邮寄给司机.


  • 在驾驶记录上累积七分或以上的积分,否则
  • Are convicted of specific qualifying offenses.

You can read more on 费用 assessed by the State of Michigan under the Driver Responsibility Law.

Waiving Civil 罚款 and Costs

"The court may waive fines, 成本, 和费用, pursuant to statute or court rule, or to correct clerical error.MCR 4.101(F)(4).


  • For defective safety equipment violations - if written under MCL 257.683; MSA 9.2385, 在收到执法机构的证明,证明有缺陷的设备是在传票出现日期之前修好的.MCL 257.907(9); MSA 9.2607(9).

  • For child restraint violations - "if the person, before the appearance date on the citation, supplies the court with evidence of acquisition, 购买, 或租用符合[法定]要求的儿童座椅系统....MCL 257.907(12); MSA 9.2607(12).

  • 因未能出示有效的登记证书——“经执法机关出具证明,认为该人。, before the appearance date on the citation, 提供在违规发生之日有效的登记证书 ...发生.MCL 257.907(14); MSA 9.2607(14).

  • 未持有机动车驾驶证的——“经执法机关出具证明,认为该人员。, before the appearance date on the citation, 是否出示了他或她的驾驶执照或司机执照,并且该执照在违规之日是有效的 ... 发生.MCL 257.901a; MSA 9.2601(1).

Misdemeanor Traffic Offenses

许多交通违章行为属于轻罪,最高可处以罚款或90天至1年不等的监禁. 所有轻罪交通肇事都由法官审理,被告必须出庭接受罚单提审. If the defendant pleads not guilty to the charge, 法官将设立保释金,以保证被告在下次诉讼中出庭. 根据案件的类型,案件将被确定为预审或审判. 被告在接到通知后必须到庭,否则可签发法庭逮捕证逮捕该人. 如果被告对指控表示认罪或被判有罪,法官将判刑. 这件事也可以提交缓刑部,在判刑前做一份判刑前报告.

Parking tickets



Under MCL 600.4801 and 600.4803, a 20% late 点球 is applied to any total amount of 成本, 费用, 点球, 或者民事违法行为,逾期56日仍未支付的.

Learn more about payment options.

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